What makes you excited?
Is it a hobby, or maybe it's campaigning for your favorite political candidate. Is it when you see your favorite team winning a game or when you drive home in your brand new car, or pull up into the driveway of the new home you just bought? Is it when you go on the first date with the beautiful girl you just met?
What’s the first thing you want to do when you see a good friend after you just bought something new or one of these other moments? Do you want to hide in shame or do you want to show off your new girlfriend, your new car, your new house. Do you want to talk about how your team kicked butt the night before?
You want to share high points and moments of excitement with your friends; don't you?
And if we are excited about it we usually bone up on stats and specs. We become knowledgeable about how fast or how safe our car is, or all the batting averages or how many completed passes and team stats of our favorite sport or ball player(s).
A lot of these people (some of whom are us) who get excited about a subject, travel great distances to participate in something related to it... we spend or invest money (sometimes lots of money) to acquire memorabilia or better equipment like golf clubs or fishing poles.
A lot of us will unashamedly do this and more to prove how dedicated we are to whatever it is that excites us... But what has any of it ever done to change or improve your life for the better? I know you can claim that it provided relief or entertainment and a way of relaxing... but when its all said and done, how has it really helped you or your family, and is there anything in your life that you are neglecting because of your obsession?
Where does God fit into all of this? Does He have to take a back seat to what is your passion...
Or is He your passion?
Do you spend as much time learning about him as you do the stats of your favorite team? Do you give Him as much money as you pour into your hobby? Do you get as excited about sharing with your friends how He has changed your life, as much as you do about discussing last nights game or justifying why so and so should win the next election? Are you as unashamed about sharing or worshipping Jesus with strangers, as you are about dressing funny and screaming your head off in front of thousands of strangers at a ball game.
Why is it we can become so passionate about something so insignificant and yet neglect the only one who really matters in our life?
What is your passion...what is your shame?
What are you investing yourself in... what are you wasting yourself on?
We only get one shot at this life... lets not waste it on things that won't matter when its over.
I doubt you will be worried about who wins the next Superbowl on your death bed...
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