Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Filthy Rags

How can we so easily ask God for more of what we already don't deserve? To flippantly ask with an arrogant expectation for a life filled with breezy walks down sunny roads, never once considering giving back the life that was purchased to the one who paid the price. We ask Him every day for our needs, wants and desires and never once ask the one who gives us these things and more; what does He desire from us. I am just thankful that God still loves me at the end of each day. When although I may not have sinned in this worlds eyes, the evil thoughts and desires my heart paraded before my mind should have condemned me to a thousand deaths... and He saw them all... and yet still He loves me and offers more grace. I am a woefully sinful man and we are a woefully sinful people who can never deserve that which He lavishes on us.

(Isaiah 64:6) All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away”.

The term “filthy rags” is a translation of the Hebrew word iddah, which literally means “the bodily fluids from a woman’s menstrual cycle.” and rags is a translation of begged, meaning “a rag or garment.” So then all these “righteous acts” or thoughts of being able to Piously approach God and say; “I am a pretty good person” is considered by God as repugnant as a soiled feminine hygiene product.

So, instead of asking Him for what you want today, see if you can do something, Anything; to put a smile in His heart today!

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