Friday, February 27, 2009

The Solitaire Game

I have a Solitaire game on my Palm Pilot that is the Solitaire game from Hell! I have it set on Vegas rules and there is a flaw in the way it deals the deck. Regardless of how many cards remain to be flipped (1,2 or 3) when the last of the remaining three cards is flipped before rotating the deck, it starts the next round with the last card that was showing before the deck turned over. It makes it almost impossible to beat. Sometimes I wonder why I even play it. But deep down I know why I keep on playing.

The first reason is that I enjoy a good challenge, especially if the deck is stacked against me. If something is easily won then it isn’t worth playing for. I quickly become bored with anything I can easily beat.

The second reason is that it reminds me so much of life. We play and play and play, each time starting over thinking; “This time I can do it, this time I will win”, and once in a while we do. We step up to the plate time after time and swing with all our might trying to knock it out of the park… but we hardly ever hit the ball, let alone knock it out of the park.

Many people are perfectly content to play life safe. They rarely if ever step out on a limb or take a chance that may cost them something, and will never roll the dice on what can cost them everything. They sit around saying; “I hope my ship comes in before the dock rots.” Just Kidding… I’m not knocking the idea of playing it a little safe, but I get bored on the dock. I would much rather take a chance with the sharks and go swimming every day trying to find the ship rather than wait for it to come to me. I have many times rolled the dice to start a new business or try something different occupationally. I have never been content with status quo and would absolutely die if I was stuck in a routine job, regardless of how much it paid. I have always been confident in my abilities and I am not afraid to get up and start over if I land on my back. But just like the game of solitaire on my Palm Pilot, I've had to get up off my back and start over more than a few times… sometimes I won big, sometimes I just got by and yes sometimes I landed flat on my back. But that’s what makes life interesting.

I firmly believe that you haven’t failed until you quit trying and the only thing worse than losing is quitting… the second worse thing is not even trying.

In Matthew 25:14-30 Jesus tells us a story about a rich man who goes on a trip and entrusts some of his money with his servants. His desire is for them to put the money to work so that when he comes back they will return his money with interest. All of the servants did this but one. And the one that didn’t do it, the one that buried it in the dirt and played the ultimate game of ‘playing it safe’… he cursed. I know Jesus was using this parable as an illustration of our lives and how we invest or squander them, but just as in the illustration the servants had to risk something to get a return. Our lives are the same way… we can end the same way we began and live our life with out any risk, but you will never do or be anything great. Or, we can take a chance and try and do something fantastic… and if we are doing it for the right reasons we can let God worry about the outcome. He never said that we wouldn’t fall. He said He would be there to catch us when we do.

I really like what Helen Keller said:

Security is a man made illusion. No where in Gods creation can security be found. The animals must depend upon Gods provision daily, and He intends for us to as well. The only security He offers is where we will spend eternity, everything else is a lesson.
Helen Keller (paraphrased)

God doesn’t give us what we can handle; God helps us handle what we are given!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

What Doesn’t Matter!

I have been going through a period of trial for some time now.
On the whole I would like to believe that I have walked this valley as Christ would have wanted! But if the truth be told, many times I have found myself wallowing in resentment and anger. But there have also been times where I know I have stepped in His footsteps. This morning was one of those times.

In my morning devotions I did something I don’t recommend and rarely do myself. I asked God to PLEASE speak to me in my situation and give me some insight and guidance and then I let my Bible fall open where it may and read it, hoping to hear God speak to me… and He did! It wasn’t some new revelation, but a reminder of that which I already knew, the same attitude and insight that has carried me so many miles through this valley.

It came from, 1 Peter Chapter 4. You can click on the link and read it for your self, but here is a synopsis of what I believe He showed me.

Jesus (God) became a man. And as 'God', allowed the body He inhabited to suffer torture and punishment at the hands of man. He did not consider anything He would endure (good or bad) in this temporary vessel (His/our Bodies) as significant in comparison to His purpose on earth. Another way you could say it is, what happens to Him/us while in this body doesn't really matter. And He tells us we should have the same attitude. An attitude of total devotion to Gods will regardless of what happens to us, because one day we will give an account to God as to how we have used the moments he has given us while in this body.

He has empowered each of us with specific gifts that allow Him to literally reach out from Heaven through us, and touch those people He has placed in our lives, so that through our mouths the ‘VERY WORDS OF GOD’ can be spoken by us to draw others to Himself. And just as Jesus demonstrated, we should sacrificially give all that we are (that means with everything we have) totally, completely and exclusively for this purpose. Everything in our lives should revolve around this. One of my favorite verses in the whole Bible sums this thought up in a single sentence:

2 Timothy 2:4 No soldier in active service entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life, so that he may please the one who enlisted him as a soldier.

“And what”; do you ask can we expect in return for our faithful and loyal service in this endeavor? We can expect to suffer! Suffer at the hands of both man and Satan. He calls it a, “Painful Trial”. And regardless of the Trail or the Pain, we are to hold steadfast to our commitment in serving Him. But, that is not all that we can expect. He has promised us a crown of life in Heaven for our loyal service while here on this earth. Paul, understanding the immense reward waiting for him in Heaven said:

Romans 8:18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.

And I don’t believe any MAN has suffered more for the Gospel than Paul did.

Like I said in an earlier post…

He never said it would be easy, He said it would be worth it!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Our forgotten American Heritage!

This is an imortant and timely testimony of who we once were... I dare say that on the whole the men in this story do not exist in this country today.

It is a shame that we have so freely given away... what was paid for at such a high price. As Americans most of us should be ashamed of the heritage that we unworthily wear so flagrantly.


What Matters Most!

I try to keep my blog focused on constructive thoughts and ideas that help lead to a closer walk with Jesus. But there are times when I just want to vent; times when circumstances in my life just make me want to SCREAM!!! So with that thought in mind, this is one of those rants. What I write may be useful to some who might read it, especially if you are in a similar situation… to others it might make you laugh, cry, or just want to ignore my pathetic ramblings. But it is my blog and this is what I feel like today.

Sometimes I get so tired of every ones opinion. I don’t want to hear anything more from those who think they have me or what happens to me all figured out. Frankly I don’t think many, if any, have me ‘ALL FIGURED OUT’, I grew up in an environment that taught me well to keep my innermost thoughts and feelings to myself. I have not had many experiences since childhood that have given me any reason to change this. If anything, I have found far more reasons not to!

Don’t get me wrong I know I am not perfect… FAR FROM IT! And I know I could use a little advice every now and again. I still welcome… in fact I crave constructive criticism from those who mean well, from those who truly care to see me do better. But what I don’t want to hear… what I can’t stand hearing, is the criticism from those whose only purpose for their comment is to bring up and wallow in what happened yesterday, and I don’t mean ‘yesterday’ in the literal sense. The sad part is that most of the de-construction that takes place in my life is from those closest to me, those that should have a different agenda. I struggle the most with this! I am commanded by God to maintain the proper attitude, care, love and respect regardless of the situation… but, to be honest I think I fail at this more than I succeed. Still, with all my heart I try!

Because of this, I have come to a realization of sorts. It is a tag line that I have sometimes used, and it can be the central meaning, (if there can be one) to this post.

“The only one we have to impress doesn’t live here.”

The bottom line is that’s what matters most.

God is the only one who truly knows me, my intentions, my dreams and desires and He is the only one in a position to judge what I do and why I do it. He doesn’t berate me or belittle me for what I think and feel and He is the only one that I have to answer to when it is all said and done. And there is no excuse He will accept for why I didn’t do what He said. So with that thought in mind, everyone else can take a back seat. In fact mentally from this day forward that is where I am placing every one of the naysayers. I moved over and quit driving the car a long time ago, God has been the driver for some time now! But I still keep hearing from back seat drivers. So if that is what they want to be in my life, “Back Seat Drivers”, then that is where they can sit in my life. I don’t control where we go, how fast we go, or when we are going to get there. I can’t help all the dents and scraped paint that the car has from the times when I was driving it… and God didn’t see fit to give me a new car for Him to drive me around in when He took over, so this is what we’re stuck with… Quit complaining to me about it, I am perfectly content to ride around in what ever car God wants to drive, if you don’t like it take it up with Him. I wish that those who have to ride around in the car that is my life would read, understand, and take to heart what Paul said:

Philippians 4:11-12 Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.

He got it, I get it…. WHY CAN'T YOU?

I can’t tell you to get out of the car… to get off of this ride… (All though sometimes that is all I want to do) and life is hard enough with out having to listen to all the complaining and moaning and groaning about ‘how it used to be… “GET OVER IT”.

Charles Stanley continually says; “You do what God wants, and let Him worry about the consequences.” Well, that is exactly what I am going to do from this point forward… with as much of a respectful and loving heart as I can muster for those who do life with me.

He is the only thing that matters today, He is the only thing that will matter tomorrow, and He is the only one who is going to demand an answer to ‘WHY’ when I stand before Him one day… hopefully sooner than later.

He and what He wants is the only thing that matters to me anymore, I am tired of listening to the rest. I know that I have certain responsibilites that He entrusts to me regarding those He has given me. And as I said earlier, to the best of my ability and with all my heart I will do my best to fulfill my obligations as a Husband, Father and freind. The rest is up to Him and what He wants.

And that is what I choose to pursue.

Thanks for listening and Sorry for the rant!

I'm all better now!



Saturday, February 21, 2009

Going through the eMotions

When we are emotionally drained sometimes going through the motions is all that we can do. When God is silent and the world is at odds with you it boils down to two choices. Continue onward on the course laid before you, or check out. There are of course other options. You can turn around, turn left or right or just stop, but all of these are the choice to check out on what God wants. As Christians we live by a different set of rules. The life we live is not ours to live. So for us, there are only the two choices. Follow the last instructions given… "This is the way; walk in it."… Or, choose to do otherwise.

Our choice is to remain obedient, or choose to be disobedient.

Isaiah 30:21Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it."

Life seems as though it has never been more difficult than during these chaotic times we are living in.

There is a quote that I have set as the background on my phone that says; “I never said it would be easy, I said it would be worth it!” Jesus also told us…

John 16:33 “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

Not 'IF' you have trouble, but "WHEN"… so that means you WILL… and I would go on to say, WE ARE!!!

We tend to become impatient or disenfranchised when we think God has been silent too long, but think about Abraham! God spoke to him in some mighty ways… but it only happened a handful of times during his one hundred and seventy five years of life. And more than a few times Abraham was in some pretty tight jams and God was silent. I am sure that he felt all alone in these moments, wondering why he ever left home in the first place. You and I have something Abraham never had… Gods never changing spoken word, given to us in the Bible. For those who have been given some kind of special insight by God or have heard from Him in one fashion or another, that is awesome. But if we never have any angel visits, formal revelation or audibly spoken word, we have more than Abraham ever had… we have Gods specific instruction for our lives to reflect on any time we want.

And that brings us back to the beginning. When life is hard and the whole world seems to be crumbling around you… and you can’t hear God. Do what you know He wants. Do what He has told you in His word.

And keep on doing it, no matter how you feel… until it is time to go home.

It may be hard, but it will be worth it!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Serving Two Masters

In these times we are living in now, more than ever it is important to decide who or what you will serve. We all are deciding what we can and cannot afford to live with or without. Some are forgoing health or car insurance to make ends meet... yet they still keep their internet broadband access or cable TV. What are you cutting back on? Are you contemplating a compromise with God?

My Brother gave the following audio clip as an offering meditation in his church this Sunday.

It is pretty powerful stuff!!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Superhero’s Apprentice

Do you have a favorite superhero… maybe The Hulk, Batman, Superman, Thor, the Green Lantern… does one come to mind?
My favorite superhero was the Silver Surfer . He was the coolest, baddest dude of them all with almost limitless power and a really cool cosmic surf board!

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have the powers of your favorite superhero? Imagine if you had the power to do spectacular and wonderful things in the service of mankind, rescuing the weak and innocent from the clutches of evil villains.

Now, imagine if your favorite superhero not only existed, but that they wanted to take you under their wing and make you their apprentice. Endowing you with the gifts they possess and teaching you to save the world…

There really is a superhero that exists today… not in the sense that the comic books and movies portray, but one that exists none the less. This superhero possesses all the powers that any superhero has ever possessed and more… and He really does want to take you under His wing, make you His apprentice and endow you with the power He possesses so you can save the world from the most evil villain that has ever existed. To teach you to break down every strong hold of the enemy and help Him bring an end to the reign of tyranny he holds over the people of the earth.

He offers this apprentice position to every man, woman and child that walks or has walked this planet. He doesn’t care what abilities you have, what your past has been like, what your family or home life has looked like or if you currently have anything at all of value to offer Him. The only thing He is looking for is a yielded heart and a desire to become what He wants, regardless of any preconceived ideas of what you think you should have become.

This super hero is Jesus Christ. And He wants you to become His apprentice. To do as He has done and be what He has been. He offers each of us that which He has had…

John 17:22 "The glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, just as We are one;

And He has promised to send us one who will live inside of us and teach us all that we need to know.

John 14:26 But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

And that if we will believe in Him and do what He says; then we will do what He has done and more.

John 14:12 I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.

But first it starts with wanting to become His apprentice... first and foremost above all other things in your life… what ever that may mean for you. To allow Him to shape your life as the potter shapes the clay. To make you into what ever He desires for you, regardless of what you may have wanted.

What he wants is your worthless life. He is asking you to trade your mere human existence, for the life He offers… the life of a real superhero.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Danger Will Robinson!!!

I used to love watching lost in space. It began with the Robinson family setting out on a mission to colonize Alpha Centauri, but the villain of the show Dr. Zachary Smith sabotaged the mission by reprogramming the robot to destroy the crew and they became hopelessly lost. The robot was subsequently reprogrammed to become the crew’s protector. Then the Robinsons traveled the cosmos, crashing on planet after planet, forever lost, while the villainous bumbling Dr. Smith continually squashed their hopes of reaching Alpha Centauri or earth through his self serving betrayals. Often times when one of Dr. Smiths evil schemes put the family at risk, ‘Robot’ would flail his arms and warn the Robinsons of the impending doom, and every time the situation seemed hopeless for Will Robinson and his family the robot would come to the rescue and save the day.

In some ways life is similar. Adam was created, and in a sense his mission was to colonize earth. But Satan sabotaged the mission and we became hopelessly lost. We then traveled the centuries falling further and further away from God. Every time it seemed there was hope Satan squashed the plan so he could serve his selfish purpose. But in trying to squash the main plan of rescue he actually ended up being the facilitator for the making of our savior and protector. Now, our protector warns us when one of Satan’s plans is putting us at risk, and just when it looks like we are going to be overcome by Satan our protector comes to the rescue and saves the day.

The Robot has been waving his arms frantically and crying; "Danger, Warning people of earth", for the last few years, but no one is paying attention. We are being overwhelmed at every turn and are losing ground fast. Our protector is coming to the rescue, but this time I think the rescue will have more of a final outcome than most are expecting.

They never made a final episode where the Robinsons were rescued or finally made it home. And that is where the similarity ends… because we do have a final episode to run. And in our final episode the bad guy’s reign of terror ends and we finally do get to go home.

Alpha Centauri here we come…


Click on the picture to enlarge!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

It’s a number thing!

God has a thing for the numbers forty and seven. Forty is used over 100 times in the Bible and seven is used over 340 times.

Forty is used many times in dealings with man or things associated with man. And seven is often times associated with God and or things of heaven and angels. Here are just a few examples of forty being used.

Genesis 7:4 Noah was in the flood forty days and nights
Exodus 16:35 Israelites ate manna for forty years
Exodus 24:18 Moses Stayed on the mountain talking to God for forty days. (Twice: Deuteronomy 9:18)
Exodus 26:19 God wanted 40 silver bases to support the walls of the tabernacle
Exodus 34:28 Moses fasted with God for forty days and nights when he received the Ten Commandments.
Numbers 13:25 The spies were sent to spy on the land of Canaan for forty days.
Numbers 14:33 The Israelites were cursed to wander the desert for forty years. (One for each of the 40 days they explored Canaan.)
Deuteronomy 25:3 They were restricted from giving someone more than forty lashes in punishment.
Joshua 14:7 Joshua was 40 years old when he went as one of the spies to explore Canaan
Judges 13:1 Before the rise of Samson the Israelites were delivered as punishment into the hands of the Philistines for forty years.
1 Samuel 4:18 Eli led Israel for 40 years and then died.
1 Samuel 17:16 Goliath and the Philistines taunted the Israelites for 40 days before God raised up David.
Acts 13:21 Saul reigned for forty years.
2 Samuel 5:4 David reigned for forty years.
1 Kings 11:42 Solomon reigned for forty years.
2 Kings 12:1 Joash reigned forty years.
Ezekiel 29:12 God said he would make Egypt a wasteland through which no one would travel for forty years.
Jonah 3:4 God told Jonah to tell those living in Nineveh that He would destroy them in forty days.
Mark 1:13 Jesus fasted in the desert for forty days.
Acts 1:3 Jesus walked the earth after He rose from the dead for 40 days.

Seven is used so often it is a monumental undertaking to list them all. It is used over 58 times in Revelation alone. In Revelation it is used to described the seven churches, candlesticks, lamps, stars, angels, thunders, trumpets, kings, heads, crowns, hills, bowls, plagues… and on and on and on.

I wonder what kind of significance these two numbers represent. They obviously have a great deal of significance to God…

I don’t have a point to make, I am just making some interesting observations.

Oh! BTW… I am forty… seven… years old, LOL!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Esau I have Hated

Malachi 1:3… but Esau I have hated, and I have turned his mountains into a wasteland and left his inheritance to the desert jackals."

Maybe I am a descendent of Esau?

There are not many other things that make sense and provide an explanation for the last seven years of my life.

Malachi 1:4 They will be called the Wicked Land, a people always under the wrath of the LORD.

That is how I feel… always under the wrath of God.

Do you think there could be other people that God hates today, or maybe there are still descendents of Esau running around today for God to pick on? Why did God hate Esau anyway? Did Esau become the way he was because he was hated by God, or did God hate him because he would grow to become who he was? Maybe he was just destined to be born a pairah, relegated to be one of those people born to be hated.

Gods promise remains and I know I am saved… but I don’t feel much of the love.
I wonder if it is possible to be covered under the promises we have been given, while our existence is merely tolerated. I think about this because I have known people and have employed people that I didn’t really like but I tolerated them because they were either doing a good job or the reasons I disliked them were purely my own, and any ill will towards them was not warranted or deserved.

There are several instances in the Bible where God’s Spirit left someone, or He hardened their heart or deluded them so that He could make an example of them to serve His greater purpose.

1 Samuel 16:14 Now the Spirit of the LORD had departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD tormented him.

Ezekiel 14:9 " 'And if the prophet is enticed to utter a prophecy, I the LORD have enticed that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand against him and destroy him from among my people Israel.

Isaiah 30:28 His breath is like a rushing torrent, rising up to the neck. He shakes the nations in the sieve of destruction; he places in the jaws of the peoples a bit that leads them astray.

2 Thessalonians 2:11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie

Exodus 9:12 But the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart and he would not listen to Moses and Aaron, just as the LORD had said to Moses.

If He did it back then… what is there to say that He doesn’t still do it today; “The Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever”… why would this part of Him be any different?

In Saul’s life he was at one point acceptable to Him and blessed by Him (He made him King), even to the point of also becoming prophet.

1 Samuel 10:9-10 As Saul turned to leave Samuel, God changed Saul's heart, and all these signs were fulfilled that day. When they arrived at Gibeah, a procession of prophets met him; the Spirit of God came upon him in power, and he joined in their prophesying.

And then at some point Saul made some very prideful blunders and God left him and then tormented him.

1 Samuel 16:14 Now the Spirit of the LORD had departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD tormented him.

What is there to say that this isn’t a practice that God continues today? In the same Bible that He declares His love for the world He proclaims His hatred for Esau… before the guy even gets a chance to take his first breath.

I have been very prideful in my life… I have committed some heinous sins in my life… I have shaken my fist at God and demanded an answer for His actions… all while I was His child. Maybe at some point He finally had enough of me! Maybe even now He has some far corner of heaven picked out for me to reside in so that He doesn’t have to be near me, while He keeps His promise of salvation to me. Or maybe my destiny is that of Saul’s. Maybe He has plans to send me delusions to lead me astray so that I can be His example of what not to do!

Most of my life growing up I was an outcast. I was picked on, excluded and tormented by my peers. I still vividly remember Valentines Day in 1st grade 40+ years ago. The teacher told us all to get up and distribute our valentines to the class. So I proudly got up and placed the valentine I had made the night before in the box of each of my classmates, and when I returned to my desk the only thing in my box was the valentine that the teacher had passed out. What made it worse is that it was some kind of conspiracy. When I sat down there was dead silence and the whole class was watching me, I could hear snickers and giggles from various parts of the room. I cried myself to sleep that night, and it became indelibly etched into my mind. I soon learned that for whatever reason I was just one of those people that nobody liked… It has been a part of my life off and on for as long as I can remember. It isn’t like every one hates me, just most people. I never dreamed that it could be something that would transcend the bounds of earth, and rise to infect those that see me in heaven. But as each day of my life has passed, especially those of the last seven years it has become obvious that something is not right. I realize that most if not all of what I have just written is extreme supposition… but what if… and if not then, WHY?

I don’t have the answer and I am tired of looking for one. So, maybe ‘what if’ is more of a possibility than just an idea.

Romans 9:13 Just as it is written: "Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated."

Just as it is written: “Others I loved, but Jim I hated”.

Romans 9:20-22 But who are you, O man, to talk back to God? "Shall what is formed say to him who formed it, 'Why did you make me like this?' " Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use?
What if God, choosing to show his wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the objects of his wrath—prepared for destruction?

… makes sense to me!

p.s. Don't call the men in white coats... I am just venting!


I don’t always know for sure when God is taking me somewhere or when the winds of circumstance are just playing out before me.

But, in the last month I have watched a show on Dateline NBC, heard a woman from Focus on the Family and just tonight watched the movie “Taken”, all surrounding the plight of young children (babies) who have been kidnapped, drugged and forced into prostitution or sold as personal sex slaves.

Those that do this to young teenage girls & boys, and those that buy them (either for the night or until they outlive their usefulness), are the sickest of the sick, and I hope that the blackest darkness that 2 Peter 2:13,18 and Jude 1:13 speaks about, is their destination.

Watching the movie ‘Taken’ was very disturbing for me. For my family this is something more than just a casual observation of perversion. My daughter spent one of the longest nights of her life in the hands of one of these kidnappers. Only by Gods direct, divine intervention were we able to get her back. A few more hours and we would have never seen her again. The police aren’t even worth calling, their help consists more of leveling an accusation for being a bad parent because you let your kid run away, and wonderful parting advice after taking their report of; “call us when you hear from them.” My wife asked the officer as he was leaving; “aren’t you going to look for her?” He said; “mam’ we don’t have time to look for runaways!” We knew based on the circumstances of her disappearance that it was more than just a runaway. But they would hear nothing of it. And the penalty for those that are caught trafficking our children, (assuming they go to trial) is less time than someone would get for passing a bad check! The whole thing is sickening from top to bottom. Thankfully in our case, we have a God that places the right people in our lives for just the right moments.

Most people think that this is a problem that exists in places other than in America. Most don’t even have a clue that it takes place in EVERY major metropolitan city and a lot of rural cities all across America… EVERY SINGLE DAY! Even Lexington, KY and other small towns are not exempt! Our children… OUR BABIES… are being sold every day IN THIS COUNTRY right under our very noses.

I am posting a link to the focus on the family radio broadcast that I heard. It is eye opening to say the least. Dr. Dobson’s guest was Linda Smith, CEO of an organization dedicated to eradicating human trafficking. She at one time worked at the legislative level of our government overseeing programs to fight human trafficking worldwide and was appalled to discover how rampant it was in our own cities. Her words were; “If I was in charge of the programs to fight this and didn’t know how pervasive it is in our own country, how then, can the average individual know?”
The link to the show is here:

Listen to the link. Then watch the movie ‘Taken”. It is a great action thriller. But pay close attention to what is happening to the girls in the movie. A lot of the action and thriller parts are pure Hollywood. But, what you see happening to the children who were kidnapped… IS REALITY! It is actually far worse than the movie portrays or than you can imagine. Within hours of these girls being taken they are pumped full of drugs and put up in room to be ‘tried out’… 30 or 40 times in a night. Your little 12, 13 or 14 year old girl who may be sleeping peacefully upstairs in her bedroom right now, by tomorrow night could be on her back in some sleazy hotel room all jacked up on drugs and the willing play thing of dozens of men throughout the course of the night… TURNS YOUR STOMACH to think about doesn’t it? I bet it even pisses you off that I would mentally drag you into it this way. But that is exactly what happened to my daughter and it is happening every day to little girls all across this country (somebody’s baby girl). When my daughter was rescued her tox screens were so high they were afraid to give her aspirin because she might overdose. She was out of her mind in a Psych ward for three solid days... and she still remembers to this day most if not all that happened to her… and probably will until the day she dies.

I am not certain what to do to make a difference… but I feel the need to do something. There is a link to information at the end of the Linda Smith interview that may be a good place to start…

Won’t you join me? It is always just another number until it happens to you or someone you know. But no matter whom it happens to… it is happening to one of God’s little innocent babies.

We can’t let people do this to our children!

Not long after my daughter’s ordeal in anger and frustration I wrote a song that a friend of mine put to music and sang, ‘Evil Hands’. If you want to hear it you can click on the link below, the lyrics are below that.

Evil Hands

Evil Hands:

Vs. 1
A crooked finger across the lips
To steal the cries of a new born babe,
Eyes in shadow stare
Lusting for innocence
Watching children play.

Evil hands rocked creations’ cradle
Innocence stolen by Satan’s fable
Evil hands, there still robbing today
Prying Innocent children away.

Vs. 2
Youth is stolen in his twisted grip
A pool of blood marks the youth that dies.
Innocence shattered
Stained in Perversion
Youth forever lost

Evil hands rocked creations’ cradle
Innocence stolen by Satan’s fable
Evil hands, there still robbing today
Prying Innocent children away.

Bridge: 1
We must rise up and make a stand
for Youth that dies robbed by Evil hands.
Lives forever stained
We must rise up and make a stand
for Youth that dies robbed by Evil hands.
Lives forever stained

Evil hands rocked creations’ cradle
Innocence stolen by Satan’s fable
Evil hands, there still robbing today
Prying Innocent children away.

Bridge: 2
‘Yeah’ & Evil roams the land today
Our children suffer the price that’s paid
As we watch in silence
Evil hands steal innocence away.
We must rise up and make a stand
for Youth that dies robbed by Evil hands.
Lives forever Changed
Lives forever Changed

© James Fuller 2007